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CD Becker navigation traffic pro Highspeed dtm - T1000-15610

Brand: Becker  |  Product Code: Hu8vJPeZ  |  

CD Becker navigation traffic pro Highspeed dtm - T1000-15610 


CD Becker navigation traffic pro Highspeed dtm - T1000-15610 

DTM High Speed BE 6809 (Chrysler Crossfire)
Cover / Coverage
AL ** Albania albania
AND Andorra Andorra
A * Austria austria
B * Belgium belgium
BIH ** Bosnia Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina
BG ** Bulgaria bulgaria
MR ** Croatia croatia
CZ Czech Republic Czech Republic
DK * Denmark denmark
EST ** Estonia estonia
FIN Finland finland
F * France france
D * Germany germany
TBN Gibraltar Gibraltar
GR ** Greece greece
H Hungary hungary
IRL Ireland ireland
I * Italy italy
LV ** Latvia latvia
FL Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
LT ** Lithuania lithuania
L Luxembourg luxembourg
MK ** Macedonia Macedonia
MC monaco monaco
NL * Netherlands Netherlands
N Norway norway
P Portugal Portugal
PL Poland poland
RO ** Romania romania
RSM San Marino San Marino
SRB ** Serbia serbia
MNE ** Montenegro Montenegro
SK Slovakia Slovakia
SLO Slovenia slovenia
E * Spain spain
S * Sweden sweden
CH * Switzerland switzerland
GB Great Britain Great Britain
V Vatican City Vatican City
* TMC available TMC enabled

** only main cities and main roads Capital cities and Major Road Network only

4x CD Europe Traffic Pro / DTM Highspeed CD V 7.0

CD1: Northern Europe (S / FIN / GB / IRL / DK / N / EST / LT / LV)
CD2: Central Europe (A / B / DK / D / FL / L / NL / CH / PL)
CD3: South West Europe (AND / B / L / F / MC / P / E / GBZ)
CD4: South Eastern Europe (A / CH / CZ / FL / I / RSM / V / SK / SLO / H / HR / RO / BG / SRB)
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